Hornets and bee suit question | Beesource Beekeeping Forums
Aug 31, 2009 · Has anyone tested the bee suits with bald face/white faced hornets, the ones that build those big conical grey enlarging as the season progresses paper nests. We were kind of joking in chat this evening about putting a suit on and ripping in to hornets nest for an authentic test of hornet stingproof or not stingproof.
Hornets - A new idea to prevent them stealing bees (perhaps...)
Aug 15, 2013 · 2 cups sugar, 2 cups water, 1/2 cup white distilled vinegar, 3-4 slices of banana peel about an inch wide or more and a few drops of dish soap. The hornets are attracted to it and the honey bees don't bother it at all. Good luck.
Bald Faced Hornet control | Beesource Beekeeping Forums
Sep 16, 2024 · A few Bald-faced, Yellow Jackets and European hornets do little harm to healthy colonies. They can smell distress, though, so if a colony is dying…sick and/or Queenless…they’ll be there in a heartbeat. Now Yellow-Legged and Giant Asian Hornets are a whole different kettle of fish altogether.
I have a Bald Faced Hornet's nest in my front yard...
Jul 3, 2010 · if you've never fooled with hornets, they attack enmass and will sting right through a bee suit-each hornet multiple times. things can get ugly real quick. even spraying them can get dicey. suit up,be carefull, and be prepared. good luck,mike P.S. sorry for the repeat post-i'm a 1 finger typist on dial up and people get ahead of me.
who buys wasps\hornets | Beesource Beekeeping Forums
May 10, 2004 · I do enjoy watching the bald-faced hornets hunting for cabbage worms. They kind-of hover around the broccoli/cabbage like Apache helicopters. Sometimes I even make the "whump-whump" helicopter sounds when watching them! I haven't seen them eating them, though. And they don't make a significant dent in the worm population (at least not enough!).
Bald Faced Hornets Nest | Beesource Beekeeping Forums
Jul 30, 2007 · They can also be displayed in the home as a conversation piece! Below are answers to the most common questions about displaying a hornets nest. How is the nest collected? The easiest method of collecting a nest is to wait until after the hornets have abandoned the nest in the fall (after the first hard freeze or by late October).
European Hornets around my hives... - Beesource Beekeeping …
Jul 12, 2013 · I started a blog here tonight, about screen size for screening hive entrances, to see is there may be a consensus on the largest size hole that European Hornets can't get through. (I'm not quitting over this. No way.) The bee know-it-all books seem to think only Japanese or Giant hornets kill this way: a whole hive every night by a massive attack.
Are German Hornets a Serious Bee Threat?
Jul 25, 2009 · German, or European Hornets are attacking and killing some hives in Northeast Pennsylvania this August. They aren't supposed to do that. For now, put a queen excluder under the brood boxes to keep them out, and close off the hole at the top board, or they will kill all the bees in order to freely eat all the larvae and pollen and drink their ...
Gathering of 8 Bald Faced Hornets on Hive -- Help...
Aug 25, 2009 · Can Hornets wipe out a strong hive (50,000+) bees. Yellow jackets are not a problem, but the Hornets are. Do the Yellow Jacket traps work well with Hornets -- If I put these traps up, how often do I need to visit the bee yards.
Yellow Jacket Wasps and Hornet problems! - Beesource …
Aug 27, 2014 · First, dawn dish soap works very well on wasps and hornets. I have a 2 liter hand pump spray bottle from Lowes or Home Depot that works well. I simply fill it with water and then add a very generous squirt of Dawn dish soap.