What Is Mountain Cedar - Gardening Know How
Nov 10, 2021 · What is Mountain Cedar? Juniperus ashei has many common names. It is called ashe juniper and mountain cedar, but also rock cedar, Mexican juniper, and Texas cedar. This native juniper tree is an evergreen and is not very tall. It can present as a large shrub or a small tree, rarely exceeding 25 feet (7.5 m.) tall.
Juniperus ashei - Wikipedia
Juniperus ashei (Ashe juniper, mountain cedar, blueberry juniper, post cedar, or just cedar) is a drought -tolerant evergreen tree, native from northeastern Mexico and the south-central United States to southern Missouri.
Cedar vs. Juniper Trees: How to Tell the Difference - Treehugger
Jun 9, 2024 · What is the best way to tell a juniper from a cedar? Look at the size of the tree—junipers usually grow as shrubs. The leaves of the juniper are needlelike, not fanning, …
5 Cool Facts about Mountain Cedar (Ashe Juniper)
Jan 18, 2021 · Mountain Cedar (Ashe Juniper) is most known in Texas for its allergy inducing pollen. However this tree has lots of redeeming qualities!
What Are Mountain Cedar Trees? The Ultimate Guide to …
Mountain cedar trees (Juniperus ashei) are a type of evergreen conifer that is native to the southwestern United States and northern Mexico. They are known for their aromatic foliage and are often used in landscaping and ornamental plantings.
Ashe Juniper is Really More Good Than Bad - Native Plant Society …
Jan 25, 2015 · Ashe Juniper has ecological benefits, is ornamental and can be used in foods. According to Jan Wrede, a naturalist and local author, it is the dominant evergreen shrub or small tree in the Hill Country and it forms cedar brakes on limestone hillsides.
Mountain Cedar in the Hill Country: Native Nuisance or Foreign …
Nov 27, 2017 · The proper name for mountain cedar is Ashe juniper. This tree is an evergreen, cone-bearing tree or shrub typically measuring 30 feet tall. Typically found throughout the Hill Country, these trees often form cedar breaks, which choke out other trees from the area in an almost impenetrable forest of cedar.
7 Types of Cedar Trees in Texas: Identification Guide (Chart, …
Feb 21, 2024 · The Ashe Juniper is also known as the Mountain cedar, Texas cedar, Post cedar, and Blueberry cedar. It is from the Cypress family and is named after William Ashe (1872-1932), a United States Forest Service founder, who collected a sample in Arkansas.
Know your Natives: Ashe Juniper aka “Mountain Cedar”
Oct 3, 2017 · Juniper is a very drought tolerant and evergreen shade tree, perfect for a privacy screen. Berries provide food for cedar waxwings and the American robin, both beautiful songbirds.
Cedar/Juniper - Foraging Texas
The first, Junipers ashei, is the small, multi-trunked Hill Country cedar sometimes referred to as Mountain Cedar which takes on a roundish shape. More to the east and northern parts of Texas you'll find the Red Cedar (Juniperus virginiana) which has a single trunk and grows quite tall with a pyramidal shape.