Hyacinthe Rigaud - 20 artworks - painting - WikiArt.org
Hyacinthe Rigaud (French pronunciation: [ʁigo]; 18 July 1659 – 29 December 1743) was a French baroque painter most famous for his portraits of Louis XIV and other members of the French nobility.
Hyacinthe Rigaud - 20 artworks - painting - WikiArt.org
Portrait of a Young Philippe D'Orléans, Duke of Chartres, Regent of France Hyacinthe Rigaud • 1689
Hyacinthe Rigaud - 20 œuvres d'art - peinture - WikiArt.org
Hyacinthe Rigaud, né Jacinto Francisco Honorat Matias Rigau-Ros i Serra à Perpignan le 18 juillet 1659 et mort à Paris le 29 décembre 1743, est un peintre français, spécialisé dans le portrait.
Hyacinthe Rigaud - 20 obras de arte - pintura - WikiArt.org
François Hyacinthe Rigaud (Perpiñán; 18 de julio de 1659 – París; 29 de diciembre de 1743) fue un pintor francés especializado en el retrato. Fue el pintor de retratos más importante de la corte de Luis XIV de Francia.
Louis XIV, Roi de France, 1701 - Hyacinthe Rigaud - WikiArt.org
‘Louis XIV, Roi de France’ was created in 1701 by Hyacinthe Rigaud in Baroque style. Find more prominent pieces of portrait at Wikiart.org – best visual art database.
Hyacinthe Rigaud - 20 obras de arte - pintura - WikiArt.org
Self-Portrait Hyacinthe Rigaud • 1696 Louis De France, Dauphin Hyacinthe Rigaud • 1697 Louis XIV, Roi de France Hyacinthe Rigaud • 1701
Hyacinthe Rigaud - 20 artworks - painting - WikiArt.org
Hyacinthe Rigaud: List of works. Suzanne De Boubers De Bernâtre, 1686; Jean Baptiste Monginot, 1688; Portrait of a Young Philippe D'Orléans, Duke of Chartres, Regent of France, 1689; Portrait of the Duc de Broglie, 1693; La Famille Lafitte, 1694; Christ expiant sur la croix, 1695; Self-Portrait, 1696; Louis De France, Dauphin, 1697; Louis XIV ...
Louis XV, 1742 - Hyacinthe Rigaud - WikiArt.org
‘Louis XV’ was created in 1742 by Hyacinthe Rigaud in Baroque style. Find more prominent pieces of portrait at Wikiart.org – best visual art database.
La Menasseuse, 1709 - Hyacinthe Rigaud - WikiArt.org
‘La Menasseuse’ was created in 1709 by Hyacinthe Rigaud in Baroque style. Find more prominent pieces of portrait at Wikiart.org – best visual art database.
Self-Portrait, 1696 - Hyacinthe Rigaud - WikiArt.org
‘Self-Portrait’ was created in 1696 by Hyacinthe Rigaud in Baroque style. Find more prominent pieces of self-portrait at Wikiart.org – best visual art database.