24-pounder long gun - Wikipedia
The 24-pounder long gun was a heavy calibre piece of artillery mounted on warships of the Age of Sail. 24-pounders were in service in the navies of France, Spain, Great Britain, the Netherlands, Sweden, and the United States.They were comparable to the Canon de 24 Gribeauval used by the French Army as its largest piece of siege artillery. 24-pounders were used as …
Frigate - Wikipedia
A frigate (/ ˈ f r ɪ ɡ ɪ t /) is a ... The carronade was a large calibre, short-barrelled naval cannon which was light, quick to reload and needed a smaller crew than a conventional long gun. Due to its lightness it could be mounted on the forecastle and quarterdeck of frigates. It greatly increased the firepower, measured in weight of ...
Cannon-class destroyer escort - Wikipedia
The Cannon class was a class of destroyer escorts built by the United States primarily for antisubmarine warfare and convoy escort service during World War II.The lead ship, USS Cannon, was commissioned on 26 September 1943 at Wilmington, Delaware.Of the 116 ships ordered, 44 were cancelled and six were commissioned directly into the Free French Forces.
How Many Cannons Would A Frigate Have?
Jun 17, 2024 · The ship that brought the French frigate LHermione back to America after his diplomatic mission to King Louis was the LHermione, a 32-gun, 145-foot long, 550-ton French frigate. Launched in 1779, the Crescent carried 36 cannon, which took …
The Frigate Sailing Ship: Pride of The British Royal Navy
These included 26 18-pounder guns on the upper deck, 12 32-pounder carronades on the quarterdeck, and two 9-pounder cannon and a pair of 32-pounder carronades on the forecastle. Along with this main battery, every frigate had a detachment of Royal Marines, making the ship capable of conducting a variety of missions ashore.
Carronades: The Smashers | Naval History Magazine - December …
A long 12-pounder cannon on board the replica French frigate l’Hermione. Note the wheels that make traversing the barrel difficult. Didier Duforest. The gun’s short range meant it required only a third of the usual powder charge for the same size ball. In turn, using a smaller charge allowed a barrel cast with thinner walls to contain the ...
Serving the Great Guns | Naval History Magazine - February 2020, …
Despite her nominal rating as a 44-gun frigate, in her battle with HMS Java in December 1812, the Constitution’s major weaponry consisted of 30 24-pounder long guns on the gun deck and 24 32-pounder carronades on the uncovered spar deck above. (Carronades were shorter, with less range than conventional cannon.
Dec 18, 2015 · The long guns were fitted with cannon (flint) locks. Plan of model 1807 24-pound cast at the Cecil Iron Works, Maryland; weight is marked at 5554 lbs & the trunnion is ... The following reference information is from the "U.S. Frigate CONSTITUTION - Research Memorandum", dated c. October/November, 1931 and explains the research rational behind ...
Civil War Memorial: A Cannon’s story — Lowell Ledger
Nov 20, 2024 · Originally believed to be an Army artillery cannon, the cannon at Oakwood Cemetery is actually a Navy frigate cannon. “Instead of putting it on the two big wheels, we put it on a Naval base. As far as I know, it’s the only Naval cannon that’s ever been part of a cemetery memorial.” Dave Thompson. former leader, Lowell American Legion
Chase gun - Wikipedia
A chase gun (or chaser), usually distinguished as bow chaser and stern chaser, was a cannon mounted in the bow (aiming forward) or stern ... From 1799 Royal Navy frigates were universally supplied with two bow and two stern chasers, as these were the vessels most likely to be engaged in the pursuit of fleeing enemies. [1] [2] [3]