Chart 12354 - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
This chart display or derived product can be used as a planning or analysis tool and may not be used as a navigational aid. NOTE: Use the official, full scale NOAA nautical chart for real navigation whenever possible.
LONG ISLAND SOUND-EASTERN PART CONN-NY marine chart is available as part of iBoating : USA Marine & Fishing App (now supported on multiple platforms including Android, iPhone/iPad, MacBook, and Windows (tablet and phone)/PC based chartplotter.).
Long Island Sound (NY, CT) nautical chart and water depth map
Long Island Sound (NY, CT) nautical chart on depth map. Coordinates: 41.0506, -72.9682. Free marine navigation, important information about the hydrography of Long Island Sound.
Nautical Charts Online - NOAA Nautical Chart 12354, Long Island Sound ...
The chart you are viewing is a NOAA chart by OceanGrafix. Printed “on-demand,” it contains all of the latest NOAA updates as of the time of printing. This chart is available for purchase online.
NOAA Nautical Chart 12354 Long Island Sound Eastern part
Up-to-date, print-on-demand NOAA nautical chart for U.S. waters for recreational and commercial mariners. Chart 12354, Long Island Sound Eastern part.
NOAA Nautical Chart 12354OG Long Island Sound Eastern part
Up-to-date, print-on-demand NOAA nautical chart for U.S. waters for recreational and commercial mariners. Chart 12354OG, Long Island Sound Eastern part.
Eastern Long Island Sound (1) This chapter describes the eastern portion of Long Island Sound following the north shore from Thames River to and including the Housatonic River and then the south shore from Orient Point to and including Port Jefferson. Also described are the Connecticut River; the ports of New London, New Haven and Northville ...
In the eastern portion of Long Island Sound the current turns from ½ to 1½ hours earlier along the north shore than in the middle of the sound.
Chart 12354: Long Island Sound Eastern Part - amazon.com
Mar 24, 2014 · Printed "on-demand," it contains all of the latest notice to mariner (NTM) updates as of the time of printing. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has partnered with OceanGrafix to provide commercial and recreational mariners with the most accurate nautical charts.
- Reviews: 17
Eastern Part of Long Island Sound - larsenfinemaps.com
Very detailed chart of the Eastern Part of Long Island Sound. Chart shows great details from Hog Creek Point near Gardiner's Island, part of Plum Island and Black Point, Connecticut to just beyond Point Judith and Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island.