About EUROfusion - EUROfusion
Mission EUROfusion's mission is to pave the way for fusion power reactors. To do so, the consortium funds the research at 28 of its members (in 26 EU member states) on the basis of the "European Roadmap to the Realisation of Fusion Energy" as a joint programme within Euratom Horizon Europe.
The EUROfusion Programme - EUROfusion
The EUROfusion programme is based on the Roadmap to the Realisation of Fusion Energy. The programme has two main pillars: Preparing for ITER experiments; Developing a concept for the future demonstration fusion power plant DEMO; Twenty-eight of the European consortium members, receive funding from Euratom for fusion projects in accordance with their participation in the missions and ...
Consortium Members - EUROfusion
To realise fusion, the EUROfusion consortium brings together 4800 researchers, staff and students from its 28 member institutes, 3 associated partners, and 162 affiliated entities from across Europe. Together these researchers have set up a focused research programme guided by the European Roadmap ...
Roadmap - EUROfusion
The EUROfusion roadmap forms the basis for the programme of EUROfusion and provides a clear and structured way forward to commercial energy from fusion.
EUROfusion Scientific Publications | EUROfusion Preprints and ...
This work has been carried out within the framework of the EUROfusion Consortium and has received funding from the Euratom research and training programme 2014-2018 and 2019-2020 under grant agreement No 633053.
Fusion on Earth - EUROfusion
The tokamak. The most advanced and best investigated fusion device design available today is the tokamak.Tokamak is a Russian acronym for the term Тороидальная Камера с Магнитными Катушками meaning a torus-shaped vacuum chamber surrounded by magnetic coils, which create a toroidal magnetic field. The largest operating tokamak today is EUROfusion’s ...
Organisation - EUROfusion
Currently, 31 research organisations, and behind them about 162 affiliated entities including universities and companies, from 26 European Union member states plus the United Kingdom, Switzerland and Norway are members of the consortium.
Key technical review for European fusion strategy - EUROfusion
On the 17 th September 2024, the initial output of this study was presented for review to the EUROfusion Scientific & Technical Advisory Committee (STAC), marking the culmination of the intensive study.. Gianfranco Federici opens the VNS review meeting at EUROfusion PMU. Photo: Tamás Szabolics. Along with the STAC members and the EUROfusion DEMO Central Team participants, the full day hybrid ...
Four decades of revolutionary progress in fusion - EUROfusion
Jun 23, 2023 · JET researchers and staff celebrate 40 years of operation. Credit: UKAEA, used with permission. JET researchers and staff across Europe are celebrating this occasion today, two days ahead of the actual date of the 40 th anniversary of JET’s first plasma on Sunday 25 June. A festive ceremony took place at the JET facility in the UK, featuring a group photo, speeches followed by a lunch, a ...
First observation of how fusion keeps itself hot boosts confidence …
Oct 16, 2023 · In 2021, the EUROfusion consortium of fusion laboratories around Europe ran a dedicated experimental campaign at the Joint European Torus facility in Culham, UK.The European consortium designed these experiments to explore the extreme conditions expected in the international ITER fusion energy research project and the fusion power plants to follow.