What is the best beginners hydroponic grow kit ? - Page 2
Hi all, I'm new to the forum, and would just like to say thanks in advance for any feedback. I've been smoking weed for quite a while now, and smoke quite alot, and it costs as it costs so much, would definitely like to start growing, i've been reading up …
THCtalk.com - Cannabis Growing Forum & Cannabis & Marijuana …
Dec 12, 2024 · Learning how to grow Cannabis instructions should be for educational purposes only. All Information contained in this web site is for: Historical reference, Scientific reference and Educational purposes only. Visitors to this website are advised against breaking the law as It is illegal to smoke, grow, or possess cannabis in the UK and some US ...
What is the most effective hydroponic system? - thctalk.com
What's the most effective, and what is the easiest to use?
Grow Kits [Archive] - THCtalk.com - Cannabis Growing Forum
best grow tent; What is the best deal for Secret Jardin DR120 grow tent complete starter package; quiet; first time grower; Waterfarm alternative!!!!! Anyone use/know of a small grow tent? getting back on it :) Another grow kit question; Home made DWC ; ) first time grow , want advice on a high end setup (lights ozone irrigation etc)
Hydroponic beginner here...any advice? - thctalk.com
Mar 2, 2010 · I have a state producer's permit for my own medicinal use, but still wish to grow indoors. Safer that way. Like the title says I'm a beginner at hydroponics. Actually the system I'm looking at is an aeroponic system. Does anyone have any opinions on a hardy strain (high sativa) for indoor hydroponic growth? What's the best growth medium for a ...
Organic Hydroponics - thctalk.com
A simple way to use organic nutrients with a hydroponic system. Budding plants at various stages all share space, light and water. Standard hydroponics - standard problems In the standard "ebb and flow" hydroponic system, there is an upper grow bed which is used to hold the plants. This is a box which holds a certain number of plants in containers.
Rain Science Bags - My Thoughts & Using with AutoPots
Dec 12, 2022 · I often watch the Dude Grow Show and listen to Jorden River's podcast, so I have been hearing about these Rain Science Grow Bags. I am known to over-water, so any tool that helps me overcome my shortcomings is always welcomed. Before I go into my concerns and solutions about RS Bags and the AuotPots together, I want to talk about quality.
DIY Bubble buckets - thctalk.com
All right, this is my low budget bubble hash extaction kit. Actually it looks pretty childlish, but works perfect. You need: 1x screen 220 microns (1mx1m) - 15€ - got from a local distributor of screen-printing materials 1x screen 36 microns (1mx1m) - 15€ - 36 microns was the smalles possible option in my my area but the best would be 22 as ...
Forum: Grow Diaries - thctalk.com
Learning how to grow Cannabis instructions should be for educational purposes only. All Information contained in this web site is for: Historical reference, Scientific reference and Educational purposes only. Visitors to this website are advised against breaking the law as It is illegal to smoke, grow, or possess cannabis in the UK and some US ...
Beginner - Root Riot germination - thctalk.com
May 8, 2017 · Learning how to grow Cannabis instructions should be for educational purposes only. All Information contained in this web site is for: Historical reference, Scientific reference and Educational purposes only. Visitors to this website are advised against breaking the law as It is illegal to smoke, grow, or possess cannabis in the UK and some US ...