Astronomers are trying to understand a mysterious cosmic explosion that the Einstein Probe spacecraft spotted in April last year.
The Big Freeze The Big Freeze, also known as the Heat Death, is a scenario where the universe continues expanding ...
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Gamma-Ray Bursts (GRBs): Extremely powerful explosions in distant galaxies that emit vast amounts of energy, mainly as gamma rays. Hypernovae (Massive Star Explosions): Ultra-powerful stellar ...
Twin jets erupt from a supermassive black hole in Draco, offering new insights into black hole activity and evolution.
“This looked absolutely nothing like a normal black hole.” Astronomers are not sure why that might be happening. The most likely explanation is that there is a spinning white dwarf slowly ...
XMM-Newton continued to observe 1ES 1927+654 and its white dwarf companion for two years and noted that the oscillations from the black hole were increasing in strength and frequency. Masteron et al.
The observations made using the European Space Agency’s XMM-Newton orbiting X-ray telescope appear to show a white dwarf nearing the point of no return – called the event horizon – as it orbits the ...
The supermassive black hole at the center of the Milky Way, called Sagittarius A*, is about four times more massive than this one. White dwarfs are among the most compact objects in the cosmos ...
The observations made using the European Space Agency’s XMM-Newton orbiting X-ray telescope appear to show a white dwarf nearing the point of no return — called the event horizon — as it orbits the ...
According to the research, the strange behavior of 1ES is caused by a 'white dwarf' that came very close to the black hole. A white dwarf is the remains of a dead star and is made up of matter ...
Rather than succumbing to star-shredding tidal forces, such a white dwarf would instead trickle-feed a small fraction of its matter to the black hole. This could offset the orbital energy being ...