Directed by Sundar C, Madha Gaja Raja is doing wonders at the box office. Starring Vishal, Anjali, Varalaxmi Sarathkumar, and Santhanam, the long-delayed action-comedy met with superlative ...
Actress Devayani has directed her first short film 'Kaikuttai Rani,' which explores a young girl's emotional journey after ...
Madha Gaja Raja is maintaining a steady pace on weekdays and gearing up for a significant feat at the Indian box office.
Vidaamuyarchi', an Ajith starrer directed by Magizh Thirumeni, is set for release on February 6. Inspired by the Hollywood ...
Versatile actor Chiyaan Vikram will be next seen in the film Veera Dheera Sooran. SU Arun Kumar of Chithha fame is directing ...