You are the architect of your life, capable of shaping your experiences and emotions. Visualize your desires in your heart and mind, then take practical steps to build towards them. As you embark ...
Why lament failure? Why do people pretend it didn't happen? Today, rather than look down at something in the past that was a mistake or difficult to handle, embrace the moment and see how you ...
Take time to heal, sweet Aries. Retrograde Mars in Cancer will draw attention to matters of healing related to your home, family, and relationship. With Jupiter shifting into Cancer on June 9 ...
It doesn’t matter how others see you, sweet Pisces, but how you see yourself. You may have logically gotten to a place of feeling worthy of what you desire, but it seems that a part of you has ...
Regardless of your version of true happiness, living a happier, more satisfied life is within reach. A few tweaks to your ...
“He waited for a minute and then said he would be sad to see that I would choose something as small as pillows come between ...
For example, when you're in the bath, notice the smells and how your skin feels as you wash it. Notice each part of your body ...
According to the authors of The Accountability of Conduct, it’s human nature to look for “someone to blame” when things go ...
So, if you're confident embracing change or challenging yourself out of your comfort zone, consider that a success that not ...
That's okay, you have a lifetime together. You don't have to rush. And the reality is that some things that seem important at ...
While small acts of kindness and gratitude can be incredibly beneficial for the health of relationships, adults who were the ...
If you are 60 years or older and part of the Baby Boomer generation, the traditional job market has become even less ...