There is a Victorian heft about Charles Taylor as a thinker – not just because his books are on a monumental scale that reminds you of someone like T. H. Green or Bernard Bosanquet, but also because, ...
A generation ago, Laurence Rees’s pathbreaking television series The Nazis: A warning from history changed public perceptions of the Nazi dictatorship. The image of an efficient political monolith in ...
A couple of years ago I attended a workshop in Fulda, a city right in the middle of Germany. To medievalists, it is best known as the resting place of St Boniface, the English missionary and ...
My walk to work in Washington DC takes me past the Canadian Embassy, on Pennsylvania Avenue, just opposite the East Building of the National Gallery, where my current office is. It’s a strange ...
There has been a fair bit of controversy around the Museum of the Bible in Washington DC, particularly over issues of ...