If you are seeing content on the internet that is similar to the content you are publishing, then you may want to question whether your “new” content is simply a rehash of information already out ...
Let's define networking in a nutshell: it's a business and personal marketing tool that will deliver your overall business and marketing strategy. In marketing terms, networking as a tool will show ...
Every time you speak to someone about your business you are involved in marketing. Any conversation about your firm is an opportunity to promote your business and increase sales. A marketing strategy ...
The brand equity of a business comprises all the associations, emotions and experiences that come to mind when a consumer is exposed to the brand. What kind of bond is there between you and your ...
Most of the 2000s saw plenty of interest in all areas of landscaping and gardening, for a number of reasons: gardening became one of the most popular leisure activities, enjoying widespread coverage ...
Recent years have seen a huge increase in interest in, and use of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM), for a number of reasons: The five most common therapies are acupuncture, osteopathy, ...
Small businesses need a brand too if they are to stand out in a crowded market. Discover how to create a valuable brand and how to exploit it for business advantage. Creating an authentic brand for ...
There are so many ways to keep in touch with customers or approach new prospects. But a well-written sales letter or email can persuade potential customers to find out more. Follow our steps to ...
Small businesses can get more online exposure by using the right SEO keywords. Danielle Haley of Freelance SEO Essex explains how to optimise your ecommerce website to generate more traffic and ...
How to make an effective marketing plan for your small business, including choosing the marketing mix, setting objectives and tracking results. Is your marketing wasting money and profits? Discover ...
Your business needs to get pricing right. The basics on the different pricing strategies you could use, and what you need to consider. Ask people to pay too much and they will stop buying: too little ...
Want to reach a new audience? Sponsoring a successful email newsletter can help you deliver your message to your target market as Jackie Fast of Slingshot Sponsorship reveals. Email marketing is one ...