“In the past 13 years, the ICRC has registered 35,000 cases of people who have gone missing in Syria. This number reflects ...
For the past 13 years, the ICRC has worked with families of the missing and parties to the conflict in Syria. This has ...
The Myanmar Community Assistance Livelihood Project (MCLAP) aims to build on the partnership between the ICRC and World Bank ...
Le conflit généralisé continue de détruire les vies de milliers d'habitants de villes et de villages à travers tout l'Afghanistan. Le CICR fournit une assistance de base, telle que de l'eau potable et ...
Нейтральная, беспристрастная и независимая организация. Узнайте о наших ценностях, целях и задачах.
The evaluation focused on learning intended for the professional development of ICRC staff, covering an organization-wide geographic scope. Two periods were considered: the “current state” (2020-2023) ...
Back in 2016, daily life was full of hardships for Mariam and her family in the remote village of Moloi Jaga Ruwai in Myanmar, located near a river bordering Bangladesh. Amid the ongoing ...
In the Pact for the Future, the international community committed to protect all civilians in armed conflict and for people ...
El Oficial de Protección 1 contribuye al desarrollo, a la implementación y al monitoreo de las actividades Protección, Protección de la Población Civil (PPC), Protección de Vínculos PVL, no exhaustivo ...