Do you look at current consumer life-styles and linear product life-cycles and see the inherent sustainability problems that lie within? Do you want to help the world transition to a model that is ...
Erikoispsykologikoulutusta koskeviin kysymyksiin saat helpoimmin vastauksen sähköpostitse osoitteesta [email protected]. Mainitse sähköpostin otsikossa erikoispsykologikoulutus, niin ...
The ERC Consolidator Grant -funded projects will investigate the disease risk of evening-types and biodiversity loss, as well as develop rapid algorithms for bioinformatics. Three researchers working ...
Our research questions are addressed in three substudies with different focal points, that taken together will contribute with new knowledge about the role of Nordic basic schools as past, present and ...
EPOS-FI consortium is a joint community of Finnish universities and research institutes with a task of maintaining geophysical observatories and laboratories in Finland. EPOS-FI partners own and ...
Tältä sivulta löydät ohjeet Career Day -tapahtumaan osallistumiseen yrityksille ja organisaatioille. Ohjeet on tarkoitettu työnantajille, joiden osallistumisen tapahtumaan urapalvelut on vahvistanut ...
P.O. Box 3 (Fabianinkatu 33) 00014 University of Helsinki Switchboard: +358 (0) 2941 911 (mobile call charge / local network charge) ...
In all degree programmes in pharmacy, your learning is supported by diverse and inspiring teaching methods that are based on research in university teaching and learning. The content of teaching ...
Opettajan pedagogiset opinnot antavat laaja-alaisen pedagogisen kelpoisuuden eri kouluasteiden ja oppilaitosten opettajan tehtäviin. Seuraava haku opettajan pedagogisiin opintoihin järjestetään ...
Specialist training in psychology is university-level professional specialisation education completed after graduating with a master’s degree. The University of Helsinki carries the national ...
The Centre for University Teaching and Learning offers staff training in university teaching and learning to the University’s teachers and to researchers who also provide teaching. The scope of the ...