Navitas recently unveiled its 4.5kW data center power supply, boasting an exceptional power density of 138 W/in³ and an efficiency exceeding 97%, making it a leader in the global market.
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I also hinted that I had a killer solution to the root-finding problem, and promised to show it to you some day. That day has arrived. I first wrote about this problem in 1994.[1,2,3] Those of you ...
“Basic C programming,” is an online Wikibooks resource. It is a good step up from another Wikibooks resource: “A little C primer.” It is a complete online text book that takes comprehensive look at ...
For the embedded systems developer, stereotypes abound. The image of young, specialized high-tech workers toiling in a computer-filled lab, sipping Jolt cola late into the night is popular with the ...
This series delves into all aspects of real time operating systems (RTOS) and is intended for any developer who is curious about how to use an RTOS and how they work.
In 1989 Tyler Sperry, then editor of the print publication Embedded Systems Programming, asked me to write a monthly column for the magazine. That morphed into Embedded Systems Design which in turn ...
At the moment my lab bench has three oscilloscopes, a spectrum analyzer, signal generator, arbitrary waveform generator, two DMMs and two power supplies on it. Too much other gear is in the room’s ...
I guess non-engineers are shocked to learn they are being irradiated. Google “living under power lines” and you’ll get 31 million hits, many of which are sites wallowing in fear about that 50 or 60 Hz ...
An editor at another publication asked me for a prediction for this industry in 2015. What crazy, unexpected thing will happen? I have no idea. We do know there will be more. For less. More ...
Yesterday I was researching some old computers, machines that required substations' worth of power. Today I’m thinking about systems that run for years off a single coin cell. How much things have ...
In September I wrote about the new Ada 2012 standard (“Ada gets a makeover”). That article elicited quite a few responses, and some misinformation. So, I digested some of the discussion into questions ...