Ten years after the Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority (PREPA) became the first government agency to default with its creditors, the most recent developments within the Title III process should ...
In a report to Judge Laura Taylor Swain, the team in charge of promoting an understanding revealed that there is no ...
The administration defends the development of 184 construction projects associated with Hurricane Maria, including the ...
The allegations were made by MWI Pumps, owner of the equipment that, until October, was managed by Tetrad Enterprises, which ...
With two Olympic Games and more than 20 years of achievements, the veteran point guard leaves a historic legacy in Puerto ...
To the imperfections of the current electoral law, documented before and after its approval without consensus, on June 20, 2020, are added slow responses from the presidency, insufficient ...
El equipo 3x3 de Puerto Rico se quedó el domingo con la medalla de plata en la final masculina del FIBA AmeriCup de dicha ...
Las autoridades policiales de Corea del Sur solicitarán que el presidente Yoon Suk Yeol, quien enfrenta un proceso de juicio ...
Las autoridades de Ohio iniciaron una investigación por homicidio después que los cadáveres de tres mujeres fueran ...
Dos adolescentes murieron baleados y otros cuatro —entre ellos una niña de 13 años— resultaron heridos durante un tiroteo en ...
La doble medallista olímpica conversó con El Nuevo Día sobre sus objetivos para el próximo año y cuándo sería su boda con el ...