Researchers in childhood food insecurity and poverty, and eating disorders and autism, are among the British Psychological Society members named on this year's New Year Honours list. Professor of ...
Responding to the news that police officers in Scotland have taken over 440,000 days off sick due to poor mental health since 2019, Associate Professor Dr Adam Mahoney from the Division of Forensic ...
Hello to all DoN Members, Attending the DoN Conference in Edinburgh this year was a major professional highlight for me and the culmination of two years preparatory work by our conference committee, a ...
One of the most striking recent public examples of 'mansplaining' is this video of professional golfer Georgia Ball having her swing critiqued by a male amateur at a driving range. Many women will be ...
The book begins with your own fanaticism, and you've gone nicely Route One – Star Trek, a cultural movement which you note scholars have compared to 'a form of living religion'. How do you think your ...
Welcoming the government's extension of the Start for Life programme, Chair of the BPS's Faculty for Children Young People and their Families Dr Rachel Bradley said: "It is really encouraging that the ...
For you to read these words, signals from your eyes must pass through a region of your brain called the primary visual cortex (also known as V1). Without V1, you'd be 'cortically blind' and you'd see ...
I'll never forget the day I collected my GCSE grades. I had worked hard and studied for months. I knew I wanted to do A-level psychology. The other two options I had selected were BTEC subjects, new ...
Dr Gavin Morgan, Chair of the Division of Educational and Child Psychology at the BPS, has been discussing our latest campaign with Georgina Durrant from the SEND in the Experts podcast. The DECP ...
Is it morally right that someone with a stronger negotiating position should get a better deal on a house, or a holiday, or a loan? Most people would probably answer, 'Of course not!' But a study on a ...
On starting my role as an Assistant Psychologist at a Specialist Memory Service, I had a clear, almost textbook view of psychology: helping people get better. But in dementia care, 'getting better' is ...
Can you tell me a bit about your background and what spurred you to pursue a career in psychology? I am a second generation British Pakistani Muslim who grew up in a working-class environment. To ...