Alluvionic Mayvin Solutions announced its recent contract with New Mexico Tech to support Counterterrorism First Responder Training.
ROUND13 Boxing, will host “A FORCE TO BE RECKONED WITH” boxing event. Saturday, June 21, at the Tony Rosa Community Center, Palm Bay.
Eastern Florida State College will host an Open House for its Respiratory Care Program on Wednesday, April 9 on its Melbourne Campus ...
On Wednesday, the National Weather Service in Melbourne forecasts a 50 percent chance of showers and thunderstorms after 1 pm.
Eastern Florida State College women's golfer Mila Tang is named the FCSAA Women's Golfer of the month for February.
The Propeller Club of Cape Canaveral will host their annual SHRIMPFEAST on April 11, from 6 p.m. - 10 p.m. in Terminal 5 in Port Canaveral.
The spring sports are in motion and some teams in baseball, softball, and lacrosse have cemented themselves as top teams across the county.
Brevard County Fire Rescue will hold their Annual Awards Ceremony on April 9 at the Space Coast Health Foundation at 6:30 p.m.
Arthritis is a chronic condition that affects millions of people worldwide, causing pain, stiffness, and inflammation in the joints.
Titusville Police are asking the community for help as they search for a missing person, who is missing under highly suspicious circumstances and is considered a missing and endangered adult.
I was honored to be recognized by Governor Ron DeSantis during his “State of the State” speech for my role in working to combat illegal immigration and its impacts on the state of Florida.
Palm Bay High School girls basketball team advanced to the 4A State Championship to play No.2 American Heritage in the sate championship, a rematch from 2021.