Advertising has been constant for years even when it shows up in different media. But are people becoming more conscious of ads (especially with efforts to not target kids) or has the integration of ...
This outcome chart contains media-related learning outcomes from the Northwest Territories, Grade 8 English Language Arts curriculum, with links to supporting resources on the MediaSmarts site.
Description: In this lesson, students explore the absence, or unrealistic portrayal, of consequences to violence in the media. The class begins with a "what would happen if?" discussion of ...
The Critical Thinking Across the Curriculum workshop provides teachers with a comprehensive approach to fostering critical thinking skills at all grade levels, with particular attention to addressing ...
Causes and Effects of Social Change: demonstrate an understanding of the causes and effects of social change; Technological Change: demonstrate an understanding of patterns and effects of ...
Use experiences with a variety of texts and genres by particular writers, artists, storytellers, and filmmakers for enjoyment and satisfaction ...
Description: In this lesson, students investigate the importance of branding and messaging, especially as they relate to parity products such as beer and alcohol. Students explore the "3Ps" of brand ...
Description: This lesson helps students recognize and understand stereotyping and bias in literature and film by looking at representations of wolves. The lesson begins with a discussion about ...
In this lesson, students learn about algorithms and AI, how they work, how they impact our lives on the internet, and ethical considerations. The lesson begins with a class discussion on algorithms.
Relating to Others: demonstrate an understanding of various types of relationships and of skills and strategies for developing and maintaining healthy relationships ...
Patterns of Development: demonstrate an understanding of patterns of social, emotional, cognitive, and physical development in school-age children and adolescents; Positive Environments for ...
I can analyze models for active citizenship through historical and contemporary case studies. I can define civic agency. I can demonstrate the ways that I have agency. I can illustrate what motivates ...