These measures risk transforming Malaysia’s digital spaces into stricter and highly regulated environments, stifling open discourse and innovation while entrenching state control over the internet.” ...
The global community urgently needs to increase funding for humanitarian relief and also invest in proven programs, such as ...
Hong Kong police are considering using drones for routine patrols and analysing their images with artificial intelligence.
By 2100, more than 97 percent of countries—198 out of 204—will have fertility rates below what is necessary to sustain ...
"The more they arrest our members, the more defenders are coming up. We will be always here fighting for environmental justice." ...
As Rubens Paiva's story fills cinemas and Brazilians learn more about the state terrorism that shattered lives and families, news about another coup attempt made the past even more present.
On November 26 and 27, the first-ever conference on whistleblowing and whistleblower protection in West Africa was held in Abuja, Nigeria, under the theme “Reducing corruption in West Africa: The ...
"El arte de Peskine trasciende los confines del retrato, y en cambio ofrece un lenguaje visual que habla al alma colectiva, captura los matices de la fuerza, la vulnerabilidad y la transformación".
Em 2024 fue la primera vez que la Conciencia Negra se reconoce como fiesta nacional en el país. Conmemora la muerte de Zumbi, ...
Costa de Marfil ha pasado por muchas crisis políticas violentas y apenas se está recuperando de la de 2020-2011, que es el ...
Los defensores del ambiente de la región enfrentan diversos retos, por lo que urge poner enfatizar este dilema informativo.
A medida que la historia de Rubens Paiva llena las salas de cine y los brasileños saben más sobre el terrorismo de Estado que destrozó vidas y familias enteras, las noticias sobre otro intento de golp ...