Liderul romanilor considera ca un demers nobil de sprijinire a producatorilor romani este contracarat de un boicot la adresa ...
Calin Georgescu a lansat un indemn puternic catre milioane de romani din toata tara, subliniind importanta unitatii si a responsabilitatii in contextul economic actual. Liderul a afirmat: "Mi-as dori ...
"Eu în America dau un telefon şi plătesc 5 milioane pe loc" - Becali dezvaluie cine i-a cerut bani în numele lui Călin ...
Parlamentarul AUR Gigi Becali a declarat, marţi, că a fost contactat de oamenii lui Călin Georgescu care i-au cerut să ...
Becali, dezvăluiri despre Călin Georgescu: L-am blocat pe WhatsApp / I-am cerut lui Simion să nu-i mai aducă puterea la proteste ...
Will Romanian politics take a dangerous turn? Check out our article to find out more about how Romania’s radical leader just ...
Romanian politician Călin Georgescu, who won the canceled first round of the presidential election, said that he considers ...
Călin Georgescu, a far-right pro-Russian Romanian politician who won the annulled first round of the presidential election, ...
Pro-Russian politician Calin Georgescu, the winner of the annulled first round of presidential elections in Romania, declared that Ukraine is an "imaginary country" and suggested that parts of its ...
Pro-Russian politician Călin Georgescu, the winner of the annulled first round of presidential elections in Romania, declared that Ukraine is an "imaginary country" and suggested that parts of its ...
Pro-Russian politician Calin Georgescu, the winner of the annulled first round of the presidential elections in Romania, has ...
It won’t break me, though.”Whether Nad is incarcerated for helping Ukraine or not, his predicament already shines a light ...