Verse, the third film in the beloved Spider-Verse trilogy of animated movies, have finally been announced as Bob Persichetti ...
Persichetti co-directed Into the Spider-Verse alongside Peter Ramsey and Rodney Rothman, while he also served as an ...
Tom Holland's newly launched production label Billy17 has signed a production deal with Sony Pictures in the wake of the ...
Everything to catch up on regarding Tom Holland’s Burnt, Sony’s upcoming project before the Marvel Studios/Sony co-produced ...
Tom Holland is returning to Hollywood in a big way. After announcing his own production company, Billy17, his banner has ...
Tom Holland is strengthening his partnership with Sony Pictures by signing a deal to develop films through his new production ...
Bob Persichetti and Justin K. Thompson have been tapped to direct Sony Animation's Spider-Man: Beyond the Spider-Verse.
Among the projects that the banner is developing as potential vehicles for the star include 'Burnt,' with an original ...
Spider-Man: Beyond the Spider-Verse finally has a positive update. Sony has named the directors for the third animated film ...