In the show's compelling new instalment, broadcast on Starz, we saw Claire (portrayed by Caitriona Balfe) and Jamie Fraser ...
The showrunner also tackled Lord John Grey spin-off rumors, the Outlander prequel, and why the show killed [spoiler].
In the latest chapter of the hit Starz drama, Claire (played by Caitriona Balfe) and Jamie Fraser (Sam Heughan) found ...
Outlander devotees have been fervently dissecting the astonishing end to season seven, which completely turned the Fraser story on its head. The most recent instalment of the popular Starz series saw ...
Outlander enthusiasts are dissecting the astonishing end to season seven, completely altering the narrative we thought we ...
There were some excellent moments in the Outlander season 7 finale. Here are the five that stand out as the best.
The season 7 finale of Outlander, "A Hundred Thousand Angels," ended with some shocking twists. Easily the biggest was that Faith, Jamie and Claire Fraser's dau ...
The teaser for 'Outlander Season 8' has been released, confirming that this will be the final season for Jamie and Claire.
I know that I thought Severance had one of the best first seasons of a series I’ve seen in recent memory. So, why am I not ...
With Captain America 4: Brave New World now weeks away from release, fans are eager to learn the box office prediction for ...