Google Maps Timeline now stores data on your device. Learn how to enable cloud backup and avoid losing your location history.
Google's recent unveiling of its quantum processor, Willow, is not just a technological breakthrough but appears to be a big ...
In an unexpected move, Google has decided to use a next-gen Mediatek modem in its upcoming Pixel 10 series phones.
Former Google CEO Eric Schmidt said AI powered drones are the future of warfare, but that humans need to approve operations ...
The 2024 election season was one of the most pivotal in recent history, making it no surprise that the “US Election” was the ...
Craig Ballentine was reportedly arrested after posting a negative Google review about his former employer in Dubai.
Lawmakers also chastised TikTok for dragging its feet on a divestiture. 'TokTok has had 233 days and counting to pursue a ...
A premium version of the company’s “personalized research assistant” is available to Google Workspace customers that pay for ...
Google's yearly review of trending terms for 2024 reveals that top global searches were primarily based around sporting ...
A new Google holiday shopping ad featuring a nonbinary influencer has drawn criticism from Fox News host Sean Hannity and ...
Google’s NotebookLM and its podcast-like Audio Overviews have been a surprise hit this year, and today Google company is ...
Developers can try out the Android XR SDK now. Samsung has announced one upcoming set of glasses using the new OS.