Find out more about the only actor brave enough to defend 'Battlefield Earth', who claimed the movie wasn't as bad as people ...
The cast and crew of The Wheel of Time discuss the new threats facing their characters and the focus on new and old relationships in Season 3.
By exposing the brutality and moral contradictions that shaped the frontier, the series challenges viewers to sit with uncomfortable truths.
“American Primeval” is the most recent entry into the genre. The West portrayed in the series is nasty, brutish, and lives run violently short. But the Saints and their leader, Brigham ...
The question of Brigham Young’s possible involvement is debated ... who becomes an integral part of the “American Primeval” series, was heartwarming — but a bit too much.
"Brigham Young, a revered prophet and courageous ... the issue of sensationalized portrayals in the Netflix series American Primeval, which premiered in early January. He noted that the series ...
Betty Gilpin is known around the world thanks to her role as Sara Rowell in American Primeval. The successful Netflix miniseries follows the fight to gain control of the American West during the ...
On January 24, leaders of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, more commonly known as the Mormon Church, penned a statement condemning the Netflix series American Primeval ... of the ...
Brenton Griffin was raised as a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, but is no longer a practising member of the church. His PhD research is focused on the religion's place ...
Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window) Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window) Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new window) Preston Mota and Betty Gilpin in 'American ...