The feature-length documentary film “Coach Matt and the Outdoor ‘Cats” follows an adventure-packed year with the Paul Smith’s College Nordic ski team located in this tiny hamlet in the Adirondacks.
Andrew Jarecki and Charlotte Kaufman chronicle financial mismanagement, abuses of power and general inhumanities in a system ...
The Stringer,' a controversial new Sundance documentary about the origins of the 'napalm girl' photo, is sparking controversy ...
During this week of International Holocaust Remembrance, Resistance: They Fought Back, an important new Holocaust documentary is on PBS. A discussion I led is on YouTube ...
A documentary about the plight of migrants seeking a new life in the United States will be featured at a fundraising event ...
Critics argue that creating content around such a tragic event can exploit the pain experienced by Gabby’s family and friends ...
"I was like, 'I don't wanna be up here for this, and I don't agree with this, and standing up here looks like I'm standing in solidarity,'" Nwodim said of being onstage with the former Kanye West.
Sam Feder’s documentary 'Heightened Scrutiny' follows an ongoing Supreme Court case regarding transgender rights.
California's top prosecutor plans to announce on Tuesday a human trafficking task force for the Sacramento region.
Netflix viewers are divided after the streaming giant dropped a new trailer for a true crime documentary that's expected to ...
Free Leonard Peltier,” the new documentary about the imprisoned Indigenous activist, whose life sentence was just commuted to ...
Heightened Scrutiny' is a timely trans rights documentary about a landmark Supreme Court case. Read our review.