Students share their top phobias about dental visits, from strange sounds to bitter medicines, and reveal coping strategies.
I was having a problem with a bad tooth, caused a toothache and had made ... 5 days on antibiotics and a phone call to dr. For a nerve heache. I was seen 6 days later and my mouth feels much ...
The parents of a 17-year-old Washington boy who died from a complication he experienced while having his wisdom teeth removed ...
The lawsuit alleges a local oral surgeon "failed to respond" in a timely manner as the student was going through a common reaction to anesthesia.
SPOKANE, Wash. (Gray News) – A 17-year-old died during a routine wisdom tooth removal in Washington state back in June, and his parents filed a lawsuit this week against the surgeon. According ...
SPOKANE, Wash. (Gray News) – A 17-year-old died during a routine wisdom tooth removal in Washington state back in June, and his parents filed a lawsuit this week against the surgeon. According to a ...