The prestigious Kodō ensemble, a leading light of Japanese taiko drumming, has long made its home on Sado Island in the Sea of Japan.
Tampa Taiko kept an annual tradition alive on Wednesday by ringing in the Lunar New Year with a drum performance for hundreds ...
The College of Eastern Idaho’s halls filled with the deep, booming sounds of drums Wednesday, as local taiko drummers ...
If you are looking for something to shock you out of the winter doldrums and leave you in awe of both music and musculature, then then you should bundle up ...
A high-energy performance of Japanese Taiko drumming, “Taiko Thunder,” is set to take place at the Crump Theatre in Columbus ...
On Saturday, she visited an exchange facility in Jakarta modeled after a Japanese izakaya bar area and watched a brass band and a taiko drumming team composed of Japanese and Indonesian performers.
Taiko’s smart selectors make tests reliable by adapting to changes in the structure of your web application. With Taiko there’s no need for id/css/xpath selectors or adding explicit waits (for XHR ...