MRCP(UK), FRCP(Edin), FRCP(Lond), FRCPCH(UK), FSLCPaed, FCCP, Hony. FRCPCH(UK), Hony. FCGP(SL) Specialist Consultant ...
The famous St. Anthony’s Church feast this year was held on 14 and 15 March. St. Anthony, as per Catholic belief, gives ...
The 18-carat gold fully functioning toilet is believed to have been cut up and sold. The work of artist Maurizio Cattelan was ...
Anyone caught vaping on Metro trains and in Metro stations could face a fine of up to £1,000. Teachers say they have confiscated vapes from children of all ages on the school grounds. The 14-year ...
SAN FRANCISCO — Art Schallock, a left-handed pitcher who in 1951 replaced future Hall of Famer Mickey Mantle on the Yankees' roster and had been the oldest living former major leaguer ...
Food and supplies have been delivered to a crew stuck on a cargo ship stuck in the Humber estuary ... Anyone caught vaping on Metro trains and in Metro stations could face a fine of up to £ ...
Smokers and e-cigarette advocates often believe that vaping helps people to quit the use of tobacco. However, new research provides strong evidence contradicting this belief, challenging the widely ...
While the long-term health effects are unclear, vaping introduces harmful substances into the lungs, promoting inflammation and irritation. Vaping nicotine is also addictive. Among the most ...
Lucy Lambriex/Getty Images Vaping does not help most people quit smoking cigarettes, according to a new study. People who vape and smoke cigarettes are far less likely to leave nicotine behind ...
Vaping does not help smokers quit, a study published Wednesday by UC San Diego researchers found, refuting a common misconception among tobacco and e-cigarette users. The report, published ...
“Most smokers think vaping will help you quit smoking,” study co-author John P. Pierce, Ph.D., said in a news release. “However, this belief is not supported by science to date. While some ...
You can receive daily cruise news updates directly to your inbox, so you don't miss a thing! Go ahead and Subscribe here. Few people would turn down a getaway at sea. After all, imagine sailing ...