A whale-watching tour off Southern California got a close-up look at a passing basking shark, which are rarely seen in warmer waters, a video shows.
Sparkling clean, super safe and with blue skies all year round, Abu Dhabi is a weary Londoner’s dream destination, says Lucy ...
For decades, scientists were baffled by why thorny skates in the North Atlantic came in two distinct sizes. Despite extensive ...
This luxury mansion has been branded 'special' by property experts due to its 'unique' features including; infinity pools, a ...
Srikanth Bolla, founder of Bollant Industries, has joined the 'Shark Tank India' judges panel. Despite being visually impaired, he has achieved signif ...
Shark Tank India judge Anupam Mittal reacted to Temasek's acquisition of a 9-10% stake in Haldiram's for nearly $10 billion.
Tourists and residents are naturally interested in where sharks roam, no matter how rare attacks really are. Here's what to ...
With thousands of miles yet to fully explore, we can only wonder what other secrets are just waiting to be discovered.
KELOLAND Media Group announced a large donation to the Great Plains Zoo Wednesday. The Nexstar Media Charitable Foundation ...
With his magnificent underwater images, Gerardo del Villar wants to rehabilitate the reputation of the ocean’s great ...
TACOMA, Wash. (AP) — A baby sea lion toting an artificial kelp strip was filmed performing intricate rhythmic ...
A man shared his close call with a deadly textile cone snail while snorkeling in Egypts Red Sea. Initially unaware of the ...