Development plans reveal the owner wants to put a gas station and convenience store on the famous little Maryland cemetery.
Under 16 tons of granite, a farmer sleeps with a mystery at one of the most grandiose burial monuments in rural America.
Agent: Kelly Bradshaw Dalton (01) 8040500 ​It might be difficult to explain to today’s meme-scrolling, largely indoor youths, but recreating the sporting heroics of Eddie Macken – minus the horse, of ...
A few stat-worthy candidates have been denied for acts that don’t show up in a box score. Pete is one of the many.
The St. Paul Police Department is encouraging the community to line the procession route from Officer Felicia Reilly’s funeral to the cemetery Monday. Reilly, 67, had to retire after she was ...
It sounds nice, the idea that the door may be open for Rose to become eligible. But MLB sacrificing its integrity could be disastrous.
Death and taxes, as the saying goes. Not any more, the tax man says, making a ruling on GST about burial rights. The Gladstone Regional Council last week approved lower cemetery fees and charges ...
Former University of Louisville men's basketball coach Denny Crum's grave is nearing completion, with the headstone and marker now installed. Susan Sweeney Crum, his widow, plans for the monument ...
a red marker and headstone sat on Crum's grave in the Cherokee Triangle neighborhood's Cave Hill Cemetery. The marker, with a lone red rose resting atop it, was engraved with Crum's full name and the ...