Enactment of a legislation similar to the Mediation Act of India has the potential to tackle Bangladesh's existing challenges ...
My recent experience as a party, advocate and neutral in arbitration and mediation evokes the first line of a Charles Dickens ...
Long-running medical cases are coming before the courts because promises by the Government to reform the process still have ...
A potentially costly lawsuit alleging that the Beaufort County jail unfairly strip searched women arrested into the lockup ...
Pre-litigation mediation promises quicker disposal of civil cases in Karnataka but is the system ready?
Ask anyone with experience on construction projects, particularly large, complex “mega-projects,” and they will tell you that disputes are an ...
The Civil Justice Council’s Phase Two Report marks a pivotal moment in refining pre-action protocols and shaping dispute ...
Businesses in Sri Lanka can resolve disputes faster using mediation rather than getting embroiled in court cases, but ...