, Jakarta Para peneliti menemukan ikan mas koki raksasa, yang ukurannya jauh melebihi ekspektasi. Penemuan mengejutkan ini datang dari perairan Presque Isle, Pennsylvania. Ikan ini, ...
Ikan wader populer di Indonesia, seperti wader bintik dua dan wader pari. Wader bintik dua tersebar di beberapa negara Asia Tenggara dan memiliki panjang rata-rata 9-11 cm. Ada spesies wader lainnya ..., Jakarta Ikan tuna dan tongkol merupakan dua jenis ikan laut yang sering membingungkan banyak orang karena kemiripan fisiknya. Meski berasal dari keluarga yang sama yaitu Scombridae, ...
It's probably the most neglected part of the kitchen. One of the most despised chores has to be cleaning the oven. It’s easy to ignore – simply close the door – but it has a terrible roll-on effect.
Hossain has filed a public interest litigation (PIL) at Calcutta High Court, alleging that the Trinamool-run board of the Dinhata municipality had indulged in corruption by taking extra money from ...
Extra Card has created a debit card that allows people build credit without a credit check or a high credit score to qualify. Below, Select looks at how Extra Card works and the different features ...
They come in different ratios, or combinations, of active and inactive ingredients. The combination pill is more than 99 percent effective when taken as intended. The most common type of ...
Di bagian terdalam gua ini, mereka menemukan sesuatu yang luar biasa: sekelompok ikan tanpa mata yang belum pernah didokumentasikan sebelumnya. Alih-alih memiliki rongga mata, area yang seharusnya ...
Turns out a “Supernatural” reunion is happening after all — just for a completely different series. Amazon Prime Video’s hit (anti-) superhero series “The Boys” revealed Wednesday it ...
The Supreme Court dismissed a PIL seeking regulation of internet prices. The petitioner argued most of the market is with Reliance Jio. The court suggested seeking remedies through the Competition ...
Oral chemotherapy kills or weakens cancer cells. It comes in the form of a pill, liquid, or tablet that a person swallows or places under the tongue to dissolve. It is not suitable for all stages ...