premiered on millions of television sets in the Soviet Union on Jan. 1, 1976, Igor Rogovyi was 9 and living in Odesa, Ukraine. “This movie is from the depths of my childhood,” Rogovyi said.
Brayden Point and Nikita Kucherov each had a goal and two assists to lead the Tampa Bay Lightning past the reeling New York Rangers 6-2 TAMPA, Fla. -- Brayden Point and Nikita Kucherov each had a ...
TAMPA, Fla. (AP) — Brayden Point and Nikita Kucherov each had a goal and two assists to lead the Tampa Bay Lightning past the reeling New York Rangers 6-2 on Saturday night. Anthony Cirelli and ...
Alexander Solzhenitsyn in West Germany following his deportation from the Soviet Union in February 1974 Public domain via Wikimedia Commons By 1973, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn was already “Russia ...
TAMPA, Fla. (AP) — Brayden Point and Nikita Kucherov each had a goal and two assists to lead the Tampa Bay Lightning past the reeling New York Rangers 6-2 on Saturday night.
Rivkin’s life is a great American story. He was born in the city of Pskov in what was then the Soviet Union. He made his way to America alone as a 19-year-old in 1976 amid the wave of Jewish ...