A group of upstate landlords compared new disclosure requirements for New York's rent control law to unconstitutional, warrantless demands for business records.
A group of upstate landlords compared new disclosure requirements of New York's rent control law to unconstitutional, warrantless demands for business records.
Quietly, just before the calendar turned for the new year, an already whopping debt tentatively owed by President-elect Donald Trump and co-defendants in his New York civil fraud case hit an eye ...
The judge, however, ordered her to file a formal written application for a stay, so the court could fix a date for a hearing. Aminah who retired as a civil servant with the Ministry of Foreign ...
SYRACUSE, N.Y. — The New York Civil Liberties Union has condemned the Onondaga County Sheriff's Office for handcuffing an 11-year-old girl who was mistaken for a suspect who stole a vehicle.
When the Supreme Court on Monday denied the National Association of Realtors’ (NAR) petition to hear its appeal of a lower court’s ruling that allowed the Department of Justice (DOJ ...
Microsoft Corp. is forming a new engineering group that will be led by Jay Parikh, a former Meta Platforms Inc. executive who joined the company last year. Microsoft Chief Executive Officer Satya ...
State Supreme Court Justice Thomas Marcelle of Albany County found the practice violative of the Fourth Amendment. Marcelle wrote that New York City’s Sheriff’s Office lacked any lawful ...
Microsoft created a new engineering organization responsible for building its artificial-intelligence platform and tools, CEO Satya Nadella said in an email to employees Monday morning. The new ...
It found only 5% of people had applied to a court (3%) or to a tribunal (2%) to resolve an issue they had. The primary reasons people didn’t take civil action were that they viewed it as a waste ...
The New York law requiring Internet providers to offer cheap plans to people with low incomes will take effect on Wednesday this week following a multi-year court battle in which the state ...
After discussing NAR’s writ of certiorari, filed in October, on Friday, the nine justices of the Supreme Court issued an order on Monday stating that it would not hear NAR’s appeal of an April ...