MARIETTA, Ga. - Marietta City Schools is the latest district to add weapons detection systems in their schools. Marietta City ...
The Thompson School District is piloting a program that would introduce metal detectors to various school events and buildings, something district officials hope will provide further information ...
Huntsville City Schools is days away from installing weapons detection systems into every elementary school, but parents ...
The plan includes a new security services manager position, security equipment like metal detectors and X-ray systems, and bulletproof glass and curtains. Some residents criticized the cost and ...
Lines of busses were followed by lines of students waiting to get into ECHS school doors at the start of the school day Monday, March 3. First lady Melania Trump highlights importance of the Take ...
We want to make sure they are safe in their cabins and safe in their safe space," he said. Visitors to the park will be required to pass through metal detectors and undergo security checks before ...
The funding will finance a state-of-the-art security system that includes new surveillance cameras, upgraded internet connectivity, metal detectors, and bag scanners, while also creating two to ...
Desert Detectors lets you use your metal detector to find items in the sandy parts of the map. These detectors mark treasures and trash alike on the HUD, indicated by an exclamation point.
We went metal detecting in an amazing farm field and we ... gold mine fell out of elevator after apparently not latching door Ryan Day Lays Out Bold Career Goal When Asked About Leaving Ohio ...