Marvel Snap,” a popular mobile card game published by ByteDance’s Nuverse games division, shut down gameplay over the weekend ...
In 2022, it was announced that Phase 6 of the MCU would conclude with two new Avengers movies – the recently renamed Doomsday ...
Avengers: Secret Wars is expected to close out Marvel Studios' Multiverse Saga. This means that the epic crossover event will ...
The Marvel Cinematic Universe sometimes plays their cards in the wrong order, with important characters and events trapped in ...
In 2022, it was announced that Phase 6 of the MCU would conclude with two new Avengers movies – the recently renamed Doomsday ...
It's been rumored that PlayStation is working on bringing back some deep-cut franchises, and there are a few fans have wanted ...
Some actors are done with the MCU, while others are eager for a return. Here's who’s ghosting and who’s desperate to rejoin ...
Dying seems a pretty straightforward affair, but it appears the entity behind it sometimes needs occasional help. Pantheon is ...