Netflix recently added a four-part series to its library titled The Breakthrough. This true crime show is directed by Swedish director Lisa Siwe. It stars Peter Eggers, Annika Hallin, Jessica ...
Toronto Maple Leafs practice went silent during the back half of practice after John Tavares went down with an injury. The 34-year-old went down in the corner while the team practiced the power play.
They’ve had three straight regulation losses for the first time all season, and now there’s an injury to John Tavares. Tavares left practice in obvious discomfort on Wednesday afternoon after ...
January 15 - Toronto Maple Leafs forward John Tavares is being evaluated after sustaining an apparent leg injury during Wednesday's practice. Tavares appeared to get his skate tangled with ...
“Hopefully, he’s OK.” We apologize, but this video has failed to load. Tavares was hurt in the corner during a power-play drill. Tanev’s left skate caught Tavares’ left skate, pulling ...
Toronto Maple Leafs forward John Tavares left Wednesday’s practice and headed immediately to the locker room after suffering an apparent leg injury during a power play drill. The Athletic’s ...
John Tavares and the Toronto Maple Leafs are a lightning rod for criticism, praise, and public opinion. Overrated. Underrated. Nauseated. It’s life in the fast lane of hockey’s most ...