After the video went viral, a fan pointed out that the actor has sported the same look before Ranbir Kapoor did for Animal while sharing a picture of the actor as in his Alauddin Khilji avatar.
His look—long beard, untamed hair, and muscular physique—brings back memories of his Alauddin Khilji from Padmaavat. Naturally, fans have started drawing parallels between the two characters ...
Jalaluddin Khilji sought refuge in Kilugarhi, countering rival factions and leaving behind the faint traces of what is now known as Kilokari. His successor, Alauddin Khilji, fortified Siri against the ...
Bookmark stories for easy access on any device or the Swarajya app. The Madan Kamdev Temple appeared almost untouched by time. Prithū’s story, long relegated to the shadows of history, had ...
Explore the Mahakaleshwar Jyotirlinga in Ujjain. Find Mahakaleshwar Jyotirlinga darshan timings, how to visit, interesting ...