Microsoft a naši dodavatelé třetích stran používají soubory cookies k ukládání a přístupu k informacím, jako jsou jedinečná ...
Peskov zareagoval na Trumpovy výhrůžky, pokud Moskva neukončí válku na Ukrajině Jastrowova iluze po staletí trápí naše mozky.
Ruský prezident Vladimir Putin má čím dál větší obavy z problémů ruské válečné ekonomiky. Agentuře Reuters to řeklo pět ...
Patnáct minut stačilo policistům na dopadení nebezpečného muže, který na tísňové lince vyhrožoval útokem na vysoké škole.
Clicking on this article is your first rep towards building bigger biceps, triceps and forearms. Each of these arm exercises hits maximum muscle fibres to spark the growth you're after and proves ...
Raul Jimenez netted an added-time penalty to earn Fulham a 2-2 draw and prevent Ipswich from moving out of the relegation zone as referee Darren Bond awarded three spot kicks during the second half.
Má za sebou přestup snů. „Je mi jedenadvacet let, jsem nadšený a vděčný za šanci, kterou jsem dostal,“ řekl v rozhovoru, který zprostředkovala jeho agentura Sport Invest. „Děkuju všem, kdo mi pomohli ...
Washington is planning an $8 billion arms sale to Israel, US officials said on Saturday. The package includes munitions for fighter jets and attack helicopters, and needs approval from Congress ...
Silva was full of praise for Jimenez, who now has eight Premier League goals this season, after the match. “It is an incredible achievement,” Silva said in his post-match news conference. “I ...
2025 is going to be a big year for video games, thanks in no small part to the upcoming launch of the successor to the Nintendo Switch. The Switch 2, as it's often called, has been the subject of ...
President Joe Biden has notified Congress of an $US8 billion ($13 billion) arms sale to Israel, according to two US officials. A series of air strikes hit parts of ...
This copy is for your personal, non-commercial use only. Distribution and use of this material are governed by our Subscriber Agreement and by copyright law. For non-personal use or to order ...