Based on the light novels written by Masayuki Abe and illustrated by Ryuta Fuse, the New Saga anime was previously announced for July 2023.
This Elden Ring character's raw power make them a formidable opponent for even for Guts legendary warrior from Berserk.
These male anime characters are some of the best Yandere characters out there, infamous for their hidden, cruel side.
The cult film studio Troma, known for its unapologetically outrageous cinema, is cooking up a sequel to its 2006 fast-food ...
Fans of the late Kentaro Miura's Berserk manga will be able to do just that, as the series has plans to return to the pages ...
Good games like Remnant 2 are never afraid to pay homage to their inspirations or just things that they like. That is why you ...
The decision by Kentaro Miura to give Griffith feminine traits remains an ick for Berserk fans, calling out the character for ...
While there is something rewarding about catching up on a manga series like One Piece or JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure, many ...