On Thursday, March 20th, one African Grey Parrot spoke so clearly that some people were seriously wondering if it was AI. It ...
Throughout the night, great potoos emit a loud, moaning growl that has earned the bird a mythical status, with some ...
BLM leaders never had the desire or will to do what it takes to preserve Sage-grouse populations. Sage-grouse plans make ...
Follow our easy birdbath tips to create an inviting environment that welcomes all sorts of birds to stop for a drink and a ...
Enjoying nature’s not just for the birds. As spring arrives, I joined a group of local birders in Columbia County.
Shirley Mast, of Lancaster, seconds Carl’s suet suggestion. It helped attract to her city yard the ruby-crowned kinglet that she reported during The Great Backyard Bird Count. Mast, a retired teacher, ...
Someone invite this bird on K-Dot's next tour! Many bird species are natural entertainers but as the Maryland Zoo explains, African Grey Parrots have an “unparalleled ability to mimic human speech and ...
Until, that is, a certain bird appears. It’s not just any bird that strikes fear into the heart of Aussies. The cassowary is one of the world’s largest birds, and it looks like a relic from ...
Songbirds like the house sparrow, house finch, dark-eyed junco, evening grosbeak, gray crowned ... in the winter through bird feeders. Resident songbirds also include the black-capped chickadee, ...
Bird enthusiasts are flocking to Minnesota in hopes of catching a glimpse of a great gray owl. They're one of North America's largest owl species and many have flown ...
Bird enthusiasts are flocking to Minnesota in hopes of catching a glimpse of a great gray owl. They're one of North America's largest owl species and many have flown down from Canada to find food.