CMBRAE se află pe strada Heliade între vii nr 36, Sector 2, etajul II, în cadrul Școlii Gimnaziale nr. 145. Copiii care nu au primit o recomandare pentru înscrierea în clasa pregătitoare pot contacta ...
Sledgehammer-wielding thieves who smashed their way into Blenheim Palace managed to steal a £2.8m gold toilet in just five minutes, a court has heard. The toilet, an artwork by Italian artist ...
TL;DR: AMD is bringing in a next-gen AFMF, version 2.1, that's expected to launch with its RX 9070 GPUs, benefiting from enhanced image quality while still working with existing GPUs - it won't be ...
At least three people are dead, two are injured and another is missing after a boat capsized in a waterway between Brooklyn and Staten Island on Sunday afternoon, officials said. Five of the six ...
Înscrierea copiilor în clasa pregătitoare este un moment definitoriu în parcursul lor educaÈ›ional, marcând tranziÈ›ia de la grădiniță la È™coala primară. Pentru anul È™colar 2025-2026, Ministerul ...
Also, Nintendo Switch 2 launches into a changed market where players have come to expect that they will be able to carry their game libraries forward from one machine to another, which precluded a ...
The Nintendo Switch 2 has finally been revealed, with the successor to one of the best-selling consoles of all time launching in 2025. The Switch 2 was unveiled towards the start of this year ...