Did you know that a 20-minute workout with advanced EMS technology can deliver the same results as a 2-hour gym session? This ...
Dan Limmer, educator and self-proclaimed “exam nerd,” shares strategies for successfully completing the NREMT certification test ...
She wrote, “I am not about extreme dieting. I just made smarter choices with my food. I focused on lean proteins (chicken, fish, beef), whole grains and healthy fats. It was about eating to fuel ...
SPONSORED – Briant K. Mitchell of BKM Fitness Boot Camp is expert at creating your own success story in fitness. Tim and Chelsea get expert tips on working out on stair climbers.
Stefani Sassos, M.S., R.D.N., NASM-CPT, Amy Schlinger, NASM-CPT, Dr. Karen Litzy, P.T., D.P.T.
With a stated boot space of 500 liters, the Sealion 7 seems promising on paper, but is it truly suitable for your weekend road trips? Let’s find out Expanding its portfolio in India, BYD ...
It’s always around this point in winter when I find myself craving a new pair of one kind of shoe above all others — not sneakers or clogs but ankle boots. If you’re looking for a new pair ...
Today's class is all about connecting to your core. Together we will strengthen and tone our abdominals while also working on our posture. This is a dynamic flow that will strengthen your entire ...
"Compression boots do have value," says Ebenezer Samuel, C.S.C.S., MH Fitness Director. "The end result is definitely relaxing—thus allowing my nervous system to down regulate. That down ...