Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) and Epizootic Hemorrhagic Disease (EHD) continue to impact Iowa’s deer population, prompting ...
Deer infected with fatal chronic wasting disease have been spotted closer to central Ohio. What steps might be taken as a result?
Chronic Wasting Disease is an always-fatal brain disease in white-tailed deer and similar animals that can spread quickly ...
The first case of CWD in Texas was identified in 2012 in free-ranging mule deer in the Hueco Mountains near the border with ...
The first case of chronic wasting disease (CWD) in a farmed white-tailed deer in Osceola County, Michigan, has been ...
Studies have shown that prions can remain infectious in soil for years, even binding to plant material. When another deer grazes in the same area, it unknowingly ingests the prions and becomes ...
While deer and other animals such as elk and moose that contract CWD always die and there is no vaccine or treatment, the ...
Most whitetail deer hunters in Northeastern Pennsylvania have heard of Chronic Wasting Disease and know that it is not good.
“Reducing prevalence in deer should reduce the number of CWD prions that are shed into the environment that could infect elk ...
Mule deer herds are declining across the West for many reasons. But three states, Utah, Wyoming and Nevada, want to pin the ...
Mule deer herds are declining across the West for many reasons. But three states — Utah, Wyoming and Nevada — want to both pin the blame on mountain lions and “resolve” the issue by using cruel traps ...
Once in the ground and water, prions remain indefinitely. While deer and other animals such as elk and moose that contract CWD always die and there is no vaccine or treatment, the disease can ...