These pages have information about how to complain to the BBC, with links to the BBC’s Complaints Framework, the BBC’s regulator Ofcom and regular reports about complaints. These are recent ...
Loud music and barking dogs were the leading causes of noise complaint made by Preston residents about their neighbours last year. The two dins topped the list of disturbances reported to Preston ...
Even the pros use proven "templates" to create sales letters that get results ... These hurdles are manifested in many spoken and unspoken customer comments such as: 1. "You don't understand my ...
Among the millions of 311 requests fielded from Dec. 1, 2023, through Nov. 30, 2024, noise complaints dominated with a staggering 738,816 requests — an average of more than 2,000 every day.
I then reflect on the cause of those emotions, questioning whether they stem from the customer's tone, the nature of the complaint, or my own stress. Once I've gained clarity, I shift my focus to ...
People in smoke control areas can be fined up to £1,000 for using illegal fuel and up to £300 for smoking chimneys but while councils have received more than 5,600 complaints only four areas ...