Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Chandrababu Naidu is set to meet the victims of the stampede incident on Thursday Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams (TTD) Additional Executive Officer Venkayya Chowdary ...
According to Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams (TTD) officials, the incident happened during the distribution of 'darshan' tokens at the Tirumala Srivari Vaikuntha Dwara ticketing counter, near Vishnu ...
The incident has sparked criticism from opposition leaders, with former TTD Chairman Bhuma Karunakar Reddy blaming the Chandrababu Naidu-led government for the stampede at Vishnu Nivasam in Tirupati.
The stampede occurred near the Vishnu Nivasam temple in Tirupati, where the Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams (TTD) had set up counters to distribute tokens for the Vaikunta Dwara Darshanam during the ...
We've pulled together a selection of the latest best-selling and budget-friendly sunrise alarm clocks from trusted brands, such as Hatch, Philips, Lumie and HomeLabs. After testing, the Hatch ...
If you want to wake up more gently and naturally, we recommend investing in a sunrise alarm clock, which will stir you with gradual light and calming nature sounds. Skip the snooze button and ...
(CNN) — A ginormous and deadly funnel-web spider has been handed in to a reptile park in Australia, where staff said it was the largest of its kind they’d ever seen. Fittingly named Hemsworth ...
Other than the infamous redback spider, you will not need to worry about venomous arachnids. Keep in mind that spiders do like to hide and avoid humans as much as possible. Something as simple as ...
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Earlier today, MLB Pipeline released its list of prospects that it believes will take a step-forward in 2025. Following-up on its 2024 list, when MLB Pipeline highlighted one player from each ...
Blast at steel plant: One person was killed and five others were injured after a massive explosion rocked the Agrawal Steel Plant at Pennepalli in Tirupati district of Andhra Pradesh on Wednesday ...