Adhara, also known as Epsilon Canis Majoris, is a striking star in the constellation Canis Major. Shining as the second-brightest star in its constellation and the 22nd-brightest star in the night ...
This edition, we had 34 voters chime in. Let’s see how Canis Pulsus Vol. 38 - Quarterly Report 1 (‘24-’25) grade out! (Note: Canis Pulsus Vol. 38 data was collected through 12/4) 36.4 min ...
Some suggest there are just two species of wolf: the gray wolf (Canis lupus) and the red wolf (Canis rufus). Others, however, throw a third or a fourth into the mix; the Eastern wolf (Canis lycaon ...
which appear to stretch from our solar system toward the Centaurus constellation and Canis Major. Scientists have long understood that our solar system resides within what we call a "Local Hot ...
Like the red wolf, it is distinguished from other Canis species by its larger size and less pointed features, particularly on the ears and muzzle. Its winter fur is long and bushy, and ...