KLUANG: A woman who was almost shot outside her home in Kampung Bukit Batu Machap, Simpang Renggam, near here, attempted to ...
KLUANG: Police have arrested an unemployed man for allegedly firing shots at a house in Kampung Bukit Batu, Machap, Simpang ...
Police have arrested a 32-year-old man for allegedly threatening a married couple by discharging a firearm at a house in ...
A couple who was almost shot outside their home in Kampung Bukit Batu Machap, Simpang Renggam, near Kluang yesterday attempted to chase down the gunman’s vehicle in a desperate bid to capture its ...
Preliminary investigations found that the shooting incident occurred at 12.17pm, with the suspect firing several shots.
Analis memperkirakan peningkatan pendapatan dan laba bersih PTBA akan terbatas di tahun ini. Hal ini akibat harga batu bara ...
Sekretaris Perusahaan Bukit Asam Niko Chandra mengatakan PTBA tengah fokus melakukan investasi dalam rangka pengembangan ...
ALAMAT TEMPO IMPRESARIO Gedung Tempo, Jl. Palmerah Barat No. 8, Jakarta Selatan 12210, Telp: 62-21-5360409 / 7255625 ext: 206 ...
Penjualan batu bara PT Bukit Asam Tbk ( PTBA) sepanjang 2024 mencapai 42,9 juta ton atau tumbuh 16 persen secara tahunan atau ...
Penjualan batu bara PTBA pada 2020 sebesar 26,1 juta ton. Lalu 28,4 juta ton pada 2021, tumbuh menjadi 31,7 juta ton di 2022, ...
Selama 2024, total penjualan batu bara PTBA mencapai 42,9 juta ton atau tumbuh 16% secara tahunan (year on year/yoy).