A pill cutter if you've ever had a vet give a prescription for your cat that's 1/4 of a pill — yeah, breaking it down that ...
Auditor Rob Sand chastises Iowa Workforce Development for lax oversight after audit finds hundreds of thousands channeled to ...
After rejections by publishers, Chris Hardie finally publishes book of columns and stories he's penned over the years about ...
A seven-year-old from near Boston has a happy ending of her own after being launched into the world of publishing.
Aysia Reoyo has become an inspiration for foster children as she is now a published author.
Olivia Waite, the Book Review’s romance fiction columnist, writes queer and historical romance, fantasy and critical essays ...
Virginia Woolf’s classic Mrs Dalloway was revolutionary for its challenge to the novel form and its representation of time.
Young adult author Jen Doktorski hopes her new book is a small step toward normalizing discussions about eating disorders.
Welcome back to the FLUCTUS channel to witness how NASA tests astronaut gear to survive extreme G-forces and discover the intense simulations and cutting-edge tests that push equipment to the limits ...
President Trump on Jan. 17 announced he would nominate former Space Force Lt. Col. Matthew Lohmeier to be the next Air Force under secretary.